Friday, January 17, 2014

Post #1

I have heard many different things about EDM310. The most common thing that I have heard is that it is a lot of work. Other things have been, to make sure that you keep up with all the work and turn it in on time. My biggest fear is that I am going to get so caught up in the projects that I will forget to turn in something else. I am also scared that I will not know how to do some of the projects. EDM310 is very different from any other class I have ever taken. Most classes that I have taken have been in a classroom with a teacher, with pen and paper. I have not had a class where everything has been on the computer. I think the most difficult thing for me will be figuring out how to do everything and not getting stressed out. The best for me to solve my problem will be to go to the labs and ask questions, and to keep up with all the work. I do not need to be afraid to ask questions so that I can do my best on all the projects.
guy scared at a computer


  1. I am completely with you on being scared about forgetting a project or not turning it in on time. To help with this, I have printed out the checklist and I mark things off as I complete them and turn them in. This helps me keep up with what I have done and what I still have left to do. So far it is working great and is keeping me surprisingly calm. I totally agree that class is going to be completely different than any other class that we have had before. That is okay though! It is offering the opportunity for us to actually learn and then apply the information to real life. Since I have started this class I have found that I have actually downloaded applications on my phone to help me keep up with everything easier. For instance, before I just had my personal email coming to my phone, but today after class I added my school email as well as my EDM 310 email. I also downloaded google docs onto my phone so that I can get the uploaded assignments and can see my group conversations. If you just manage your time right, ask questions, and keep up with your assignments I'm sure you will do great in this class. Also, be sure you post some kind of picture, video, or media to every blog post.

  2. Thank you I did not know about the picture or video!

  3. "I am also scared that I will not know how to do some of the projects." You are here to learn!

    Megan had great suggestions. I see that you have read her comment!
