Thursday, February 6, 2014

C4T summary #1

In David Warlick's blog Middle School 2014: A Future Fiction – Installment 4 he is writing installments to a book he is writing. He tells the story of a teacher named Mrs. Crabtree, who teaches a Biology 2 class. The students are given a project, and it is presentation day for the reptiles group. Before she allows the group to present she checks roll from her tablet. The students have name tags with a chip in them that allows the teachers to know who is in their class; that way they do not have to call out the roll. Mrs. Crabtree can also check assignments with her tablet, and see who has not turned them in. Before the group presents Mrs. Crabtree tells the students their new assignment, and explains where to find it. She then lets the group present.
Teacher Teaching

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