Thursday, January 23, 2014

Post #2

In the video Professor Dancealot the central message is addressing how teachers teach students and how students learn. It is saying that teachers need to give students a chance to practice what they are learning in the classroom in order to insure that they grasp the concept. An example in the video was how Mr. Dancealot was teaching a dance class, but did not allow his students to dance in his class until the final and the students did not know what they were doing. Students need the opportunity for hands on experience. If all the student is allowed to do is listen in class and study their notes how would they have complete understanding of what they are being taught without practice. I agree with the author's conclusion. It is not possible to learn how to dance without dancing, just like you will not know how to do math without practicing. Everything that you learn you have to first practice.

In the video Teaching in 21st Century the author Kevin Roberts is making the point that teachers need to use every available resource in order to teach their class. Not only does he talk about the students learning new technologies, but he also talks about the teachers learning in order to teach effectively. I agree with Roberts proposal of how teaching should advance. In the world today, we are advancing so it only seems natural to advance in our education system. If this is the case, then as an educator, I would teach in a way that is very different than how I was taught as a child; I would constantly keep up with technology in order to be an effective teacher.

When I first started watching the video Networked Student by Wendy Drexler, I thought that the class would be hard, but as I got further into it I learned that it is very beneficial. It is similar to EDM 310 because everything is done on computer, and you are completely responsible for your work. Being able to go to class three days a week, and having the other two days online reminded me of college and how this is a good way to prepare students. I wish my high school had something like this in order to prepare me. The class emphasizes being connected not just to the computer, but also to other people and it allows you to work together. It makes me think that of the future and how one day there will be no such thing as pencil and paper. Everything will be done on computer where children can communicate with each other all over the world, and learn from each other.

In Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts by Vicki Davis they explain that students working together on the computer is more effective than a pen and paper. I agree that students can learn from other students in ways that they are not able to learn from a teacher. Pen and paper is fading out and technology is the new buzz and the fact that kids are connecting to each other all over the world is fascinating. It also proves that students are able to work in ways that best fit them and gives them options that help them in what ever area they are struggling in.

When the term flipping the classroom was said I was unsure what it meant, being that I had never heard it before. In the video Flipping the Classroom by Hilburn Academy I thought that it would be very beneficial to use this in my classroom. It would help the students have more access to their lessons and it allows parents to get involved in what their children are learning. It helps the teach to have more time to teach more if the students come in with some sort of understanding of the information they will be given.

Computer Typing

1 comment:

  1. Good. I feel like you could have written more, though, especially on the last two videos! Your entire 2nd paragraph needs editing. I feel like you didn't proofread before you published this, which is super important! Also, don't forget to add working links to the videos and alt/title modifiers to your picture!
